From My Kitchen To Yours
Easy Recipes

Peanut Butter Balls Aka Buckeye !!!


Have you ever tried something so delicious you can barely stand it This is one of those recipes.

Chocolate-plunged nutty spread balls or Buckeye balls are so natural to make at home with this simple Buckeye formula. A fundamental for any treat plate!

The blend of chocolate and nutty spread is a conspicuous victor for any individual who has ever tasted a nutty spread cup, and peanut spread balls, or buckeye balls, are no exemption.

Named for their similarity to the nut of the buckeye tree, these chocolate-plunged nutty spread balls are anything but difficult to make at home with next to no work utilizing the buckeye formula that follows.


Despite the fact that I experienced childhood in the Midwest, where Peanut Butter Buckeye balls are well known, I was peculiarly negligent of them until I moved to California. At some point, a colleague at my normal everyday employment brought a plate of Buckeyes into the workplace, and I immediately ate up a couple too much, delivering myself generally futile from the sugar consequential convulsion for the remainder of the evening.

Simple, easy and cheesy! My whole family loves this recipe so much. If it were for them, I’d be making this every day! Give it a shot, you’ll love it!To Make this Recipe You’ Will Need the following ingredients:


Ingredients :

° 15 oz. peanut butter
° 1 pound confectioners sugar
° 1.5 sticks (3/3 cup) butter


Directions :

Dissolved chocolate bark for dip
-Blend together peanut butter, sugar & butter.
-Rolling to balls, insert tooth pick & cooling in freezer about 31 min .
-Dip to melted chocolate, put on cookie sheet lines in wax paper
*best store in fridge .
*coconut pecan cake frosting and coconut flakes can be add to the blending about new flavor !



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